Monday, July 16, 2007

Call for entries...

So, as part of creating an auto-configuration framework for Eclipse, I'm writing an example plugin that tries to find the installed Java Runtime Environments on a system. It'll be done heuristically and not with an exhaustive search and so I need your help. Please tell me, in the comments pages, the path to where you have installed the JREs on your system (Linux, Windows, Mac, whatever) so I can compare and extract heuristics from them. If you're running Eclipse, you can find the locations by going to Window > Preferences... > Java > Installed JREs. Mine, by the way, are at C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_15 and C:\Documents and Settings\onnadi3\Desktop\eclipse3.3\weme-win-x86-ppro10_6.1.1.20061110-161633. Thanks, folks.

By the way, last week, 5 years since I started taking piano lessons, I finally played the last song in my Essential Keyboard Repertoire. I can finally claim the title of intermediate level-pianist. *sniff* Ms. Rivadeneira would be so proud...


Anonymous said...

a) /usr/java symlinks from /usr/jdk_$version
b) /usr/lib/jvm/java symlinks from /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun (jpackage style)

Unknown said...

On Windows I install my JREs and JDKs in a bin folder. So thery're at c:\bin\java\jre...

On OS X since they have a common install location that doesn't allow for customization you can find them at /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/.

Villane said...

On windows I usually use C:\Java\name_of_jdk_or_jre (for each JRE). It might be a good idea to try this for all drives, not just C:

Anonymous said...


Please note:
- "Programme" is the german version of "Program Files"
- It's on "D:" not on "C:" as "C:" is too small for all programs

Anonymous said...

Ubuntu 7.04 puts all packaged JVMs in /usr/lib/jvm/{jvm_name}, with a symlink for each major version pointing to the latest point releasee. In my system, that's 2 directories (java-1.5.0-sun- and java-6-sun- and a symlink (java-6-sun -> java-6-sun- Further, there's the /etc/jvm file that lists possible JVM folders, one per line; and /etc/alternatives/java is a symlink pointing to the default java implementation.

Anonymous said...

Here you go:

Anonymous said...

I have /usr/java/jdk symlink to /usr/java/jdk_$version.