Thursday, July 5, 2007

Status update

This is my a status update for today's Eclipse SoC meeting. You can join us on Thursdays at noon (EDT) in #eclipse-soc.

My goals for this week were:
  1. Make JREFinder check in a few places for JREs
  2. Package it as a feature
  3. Add to SoC CVS
  4. Write the "jdt preference injector" which injects discovered values into the corresponding jdt preferences.
#1 Make JREFinder check in a few places for JREs: I wrote an example JRE finder that searches in Program Files for installed JREs; works only on Windows.

#2 Package it as a feature: I found out how to do so here . I shall package my project as a feature once the other three items are done.

#3 Add to SoC CVS: Done. Our code is now available at Thanks, Markus :-)

#4 Write the "jdt preference injector" which injects discovered values into the corresponding jdt preferences: I'm still working on this. The classes that allow me to inject values into JDTs list of VMs are in an internal package and so I can't use them. I have sent an email to the jdt-core-deve mailing list asking for help with this problem.

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